Network Marketing Hacks
You’ve got your own tried-and-true methods for generating leads and attracting good employees. But like any astute small business owner, you’re always looking for new and better ways to network. The following network marketing hacks can give you a leg up:
Don’t Just Post, Dialogue
You post religiously on your business Facebook account, and your Pinterest wall is an ever-changing collage. But today’s consumers want more than just content – they want a conversation. It’s how they bond with your brand, so remember to engage and stay connected.
Monitor your feeds for posts you can pounce on. Be thankful to people who praise your products and gracious with those who don’t. Sometimes the most cantankerous customer can do a complete one-eighty if you treat him or her right. And when you do, everyone else can see that you’re customer service conscious.
Be Your Own Spokesperson
Are you personable, knowledgeable about your business and interested in connecting with customers and prospects? Of course you are! So, get out from behind your logo and put a face to your business’ name. At the end of the day, people connect with people, and there are more ways to do so now than ever before.
Create a YouTube channel and use it to provide promotional spots to potential customers. If you’re a natural spokesperson, terrific, but even if you’re not, appearing confident on-camera is something most people can master. These tips can help make you the winning face of your brand and business.
Lead With Your Brain
No one knows your industry and business the way you do, so why not put this vast catalogue of knowledge to work generating leads? If you’re an interior designer, host a workshop on selecting colors for seasonal changes. If you build custom bicycles, invite riders in for a clinic on maintenance. It’s called being a thought leader, and it’s one sure path to building a following.
Other ways to establish yourself as a thought leader include publishing white papers, being a go-to resource for local reporters when news about your industry occurs and speaking at business engagements or local colleges. Here are some additional tips from success.com that can also raise your profile as an industry expert.
Always Be Recruiting
Most small business owners only recruit when they have a vacant position to fill. If you think about it, the disadvantage is double when it’s done this way. Not only are you down an employee, but you also have little control of the hiring timeline.
The solution to this dilemma is to keep your recruiting hat on at all times. When you’re on a sales call, let your customers know you’re on the lookout for good prospects. Spread the word at your neighborhood cookout. Even if you don’t have a position to fill, always be building a database of potential candidates. This way, when someone leaves – especially if it’s on short notice – you won’t be caught off guard.
Network marketing tactics have changed over the years with the advent of social media and the emergence of technology. But one aspect of it will always endure. If you keep at it and keep an open mind, it will always pay off in the long run.
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